(Wow! The old URL for this page is the FIRST RESULT on Google for hanson sucks)
The second Anti-Hanson website to ever pop up on the web, according to Alta-vista!
Hanson, PLEASE stop singing!!!
To all the immature people who sent me flames, I'd just like to say how impressed I am that
you can use swear words. You guys are so intelligent. (If you haven't noticed, I am being sarcastic.) And by the way...
this is a parody. Anybody who actually would consider physically hurting another human being needs help. Real life violence
is bad. And, for the record, HANSON STILL SUCKS!
A beautiful quote off a Hanson page guestbook.
"if i read one more thing about how cute Taylor is I will VOMIT! He is sooo femine looking it
is disgusting!" ... "I mean sure, the band is sweet now....But in 5 months ya'll will be embarrased
to admit that you own the CD. Hanson is just another TREND. Like The Spice Girls...They'll
disapear soon."
Places to Flame
-The Official Hanson Site
-A non-official Hanson site with tons of horrid little links
Other Anti-Hanson Pages
-Kwik's Anti-Hanson Page
-"We hate Hanson girls page"
-Another Anti-Hanson Page
-Bleachman's Anti-Hanson Page
-Carrie's Anti-Hanson Guestbook
-ThE AnTi-HaN$0n $iTe
Top 10 Things to do With a Hanson CD
10. Feed it to a dog
9. Use it as a frisbee
8. Pretend its a donut and eat it
7. Use it as a coaster
6. Use it as the flying saucer in fake UFO photos
5. Use it as a dartboard
4. Burn it
3. Sharpen the edges and use it as a sawblade
2. Return it
1. Break it
Please copy this icon to your website or homepage and I'd be thankful if you linked back to my site. Help stop hanson!!!
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